Cloud Watching 2.0 With Air France
Cloud Watching 2.0 With Air France
Red Stripe Spreads The Soul In East London
Magic Mike ‘Flesh Mob’ on Oxford Street and at Daily Mail HQ promotes DVD launch
Premier Inn rename suite ‘Rafa Benitez suite’ in cheeky Chelsea FC stunt – perfect for a short stay!
Trampoline Bridge proposed in Paris
CineMode brings back the silent movie
Radi-Aid Spoof charity single asks Africans to donate radiators to Norway
Old Spice release brilliantly retro flash game ‘4 1/2 Weeks to the End of the World’
Iceland locks meat and cheese in security boxes
Slipping and sliding: the perils of a Windows 8 stunt
Susan Boyle has an album party
Second hand book vending machine
Cowboy stunts: FIA replaces baseball caps with Stetsons on F1 podium
Gromit Unleashed on Bristol
Moustaches painted on planes in support of Movember
Asda rename own-brand Chicken Chow Mein ‘Chicken Jahmene’ in charitable X Factor PR stunt
Sh*t on Boris Johnson’s doorstep this weekend in World Toilet Day PR stunt
Red Bull follow Stratos with The Athlete Machine, a giant Tom and Jerry-like contraption
Personalised Peri-Peri Saunce