Watch a blindfolded Rooney get hit in the head (and score a great volley) in telepathic football video

By on Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Manchester United’s treble-winning ‘class of 1999’ strikers Dwight York and Andy Cole put ‘class of 2013’  strikers Wayne Rooney, Javier Hernandez and Danny Welbeck to the test in a ‘telepathic football’ challenge, organised by betting site bwin.

The video has amassed more than 2.6m views, in a few days:

Yorke and Cole scored a combined 53 goals in the 1998-99 treble-winning season, putting it down to an almost telepathic understanding of each other’s gameplay.

telepathic football pr stunt bwin rooney yorke cole hernandez welbeck

The duo demonstrated their blindfolded skills to the young pretenders, before handing over and watching Rooney succeed with one hell of a blindfolded volley – but not until he’d been smacked in the face by Welbeck’s crosses a few times.

Involved agency: Frank PR

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