No more Wembley wobblies with Kevin Keegan's de-stress spray

By on Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Feeling stressed about the Capital One cup final this weekend? Not to worry, just try out Kevin Keegan’s de-stress spray!

Je l’aimerai – French for “I will love it” for those of you who didn’t take GCSE French – combines soothing jasmine, calming lavender and stress busting Bergamot and Orange. Footie fans will remember the phrase from Kevin’s rant about his Premiership battle with Fergie back in 1996.

The new fragrance was revealed in the Metro today, with Kevin even getting his guns out for the pics. It’s not clear who is behind the


or sadly, where we can pick some up for my team ahead of Sunday’s kick off… COME ON BRADFORD! 

Source: Metro

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