The best cinema trailer you’ll ever see
The best cinema trailer you’ll ever see
EA sends Mass Effect 3 into space; gives gamers chance to snag early copy
Steak Bouquet for Valentine’s Day
Eggs-plosion in Covent Garden
Interactive tweet board set up in Victoria Station
Alton Towers 3D art lift stunt ‘shocks shoppers’ get musical for Valentine’s Day
Eggs for heroes
Say it with . . .flower cabbages for Valentine’s Day
‘The Amazing Spiderman’ creates scavenger hunt via Twitter
Scandinavian Airlines finds a purpose for QR codes
Generate your own Valentine Love Label
“The best press release in the world”?
‘Aphrodisiac-packed’ bull testicle pie out of stock already
Tenuously does it – Love Hearts factory ‘most romantic workplace’
Simple PR wins: Muppets cupcakes sent to Stephen Fry