Recruitment agency resort to underhanded (but very clever) methods to target applicants

By on Friday, June 1, 2012

Lorem Ipsum is dummy text designers and developers use to paste into spaces where text should be, just to see how it looks. is used by more than 50,000 people every single day to generate passages of varying lengths for their needs.

With this in mind and searching for art directors, recruitment agency Jung von Matt planted a secret job offer message into the dummy text, ensuring creative people would see it when using it in the course of their work:

The campaign, from January, was incredibly successful, with more than 220,000 people using the text in their layouts and 14,000 clicking the agency’s link.

The following video explains the process, and starts ‘if you have a Trojan horse as a logo, you’re recruiting employees the Trojan way, too‘. Not everybody liked the sneaky campaign though, but as you’ll see from the final image in the video, the idea was always praised!

Source: Hill and Knowlton’s Matt Muir

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