Swap your fags for swag on No Smoking Day
Swap your fags for swag on No Smoking Day
Old Spice Bolsters Marketing team with…Mr Wolfdog
‘sell’ your mate in a national ad with MySingleFriend
Looking for a new job? Why don’t you apply to be the Pope.
Developer invents Bieber blocker to eliminate pop sensation from the web
Golden Wonder takes on Walkers with a cheeky call for change
Man with Netflix tattoo gets year’s free subscription
The ‘ultimate Mother’s Day treat’ – £700 edible designer shoes made of chocolate
Vegetarian society unveils ‘100% free horsemeat’ campaign
Dove tricks those who Photoshop with a ‘Beautify’ software that un-airbrushes images.
Telephone helpline set up to help fans devastated by release of final Twilight instalment
Check Your Puppies – breast cancer awareness campaign aimed at 18-35 year olds
Opportunistic stunt by Get Taxi UK and Frank as taxi is sent to ensure Bieber isn’t late again
What would you do if you came across a murder? Elevator stunt goes viral
London Zoo catches onto internet cat craze
Australia’s best job in the world returns for 2013
"Will do PR for food" – how begging to be adopted helped one PR student stand out
On the Fastrack to a rebrand?
DoingSomething takes speed dating to new heights in London.
Coca-Cola ATM gives away free money, asks people to use it to help others.