IBM creates the world’s smallest stop-frame animation… using atoms
IBM creates the world’s smallest stop-frame animation… using atoms
Evian: return of the dancing babies
Messaging app developers offer £10,000 cash prize to hackers who can intercept a message
Budweiser gets social with The Buddy Cup
World’s first interactive storm machine installed in impressive whisky PR stunt
Canadian zoo publishes world’s first Annual Report entirely on Instagram
How Broadchurch got the nation guessing
‘Chocolate’ press release sent to journalists to promote Charlie and the Chocolate Factory musical
Student sings ‘Let’s Get it On’ to shocked lecturer to highlight worthy cause
Behind the Campaign: Virgin Atlantic head of PR Fay Burgin talks Little Red – and Little Richard
Suarez invited to UK’s first ever zombie wedding in brilliant reactive videogame stunt
Magnum takes fans on a Pleasure Hunt across the web
Snobby Peroni snubs Skegness
Bathroom stunt involving flirtatious models shocks peeing men into stagefright
Durex launches ‘Fundawear’. Letting couples touch each other over the Internet!
Sao Paulo building becomes world’s largest arcade machine
Dove’s ‘Real Beauty Sketches’ reveal female insecurities