Nivea create magazine ad that charges your mobile in the sun
Health & Beauty
Burberry kisses powered by Google
Huggies TweetPee device sends tweet when baby wets diaper
Dove’s Self Esteem Project uses carbon paper to drive messages home
Dove’s ‘Real Beauty Sketches’ reveal female insecurities
Swedish fuller figured mannequins go viral
Old Spice Bolsters Marketing team with…Mr Wolfdog
Members of the public pranked into believing they were wanted suspects in Nivea PR stunt
Durex SOS Condoms
Find out how many days you have to live with Diesel’s ‘Time To Live’ campaign.
LYNX to send ‘a few brave men’ (and women) to space
Fragrance Map of UK
Balls to cancer
Old Spice release brilliantly retro flash game ‘4 1/2 Weeks to the End of the World’