A Wicked transformation: Greenwich rebranded to GreenWitch for November
Disney presents ‘A Haunting in Little Venice’ campaign to publicise new Poirot film
Cineworld host pottery classes for couples to re-enact the iconic scene from ‘Ghost’
EE’s flying cinema takes off
Vuelander2 photobooth encourages viewers to share their Blue Steel
Check out how Reebok convinced viewers to use a treadmill at the cinemas.
L´Oréal bring 100 women to tears in waterproof makeup test
VW surprise moviegoers with latest detection technology
Secret sweet stunt brings audience to tears
Cinema Delivery that literally brings the Hungarian big screen to your front door
O2 is giving away cinema tickets to people who send in their Orange/EE sim card
02 offering the chance to relive 2 for 1 Wednesday film tickets
Directline unveils first Cinigym
Cineworld indulges in childish insults