Cineworld indulges in childish insults
Share a Coke campaign launches with personalised bottles
#askralph – Britain’s Oldest Gardener Takes to Twitter by @OfficialFV
Top 5 April Fool’s Stunts
Tweeters make all the decisions for BrewDog’s newest beer
Dove tricks those who Photoshop with a ‘Beautify’ software that un-airbrushes images.
Ford are going to give away Fiesta models to bloggers.
Litter Genie: a love song, about cat litter..?
#creepysheep revealed as Alton Towers PR stunt
Twitter Solves Its First Murder
Chicken Cheques all round!
Creepy social media stunt: “follow us and we’ll follow you” (literally)
British Legion brings two minute silence to Twitter and Facebook
Dunkin’ Donuts hooks off Halloween