British Legion brings two minute silence to Twitter and Facebook
By Simon Hilliard on Monday, November 5, 2012
Thunderclap is an interesting proposition, and one that is being put to good use this Remembrance Sunday.
The site bills itself as the “first-ever crowdspeaking platform” (which it would be, given it made up the term ‘crowdspeaking platform’). In more straightforward terms, it allows Twitter and Facebook users to click on a pre-prepared message and, in a sense, pledge to post it at a specified time.
For the upcoming Remembrance Sunday, the Royal British Legion will be using the tool in a unique way – encouraging the annual two minute silence amongst social media users.
Those opting in can sign up to send the following message from either a Twitter or Facebook account at 9am GMT on Sunday, 11th October 2012.
“I’ll be remembering the fallen at 11 o’clock #2MinuteSilence #LestWeForget”
Thunderclap is a simple idea to get tweets or Facebook posts “mass-shared”, and has garnered the attention of a few big brands including the US’s Major League Baseball (MLB), Oxfam and Time magazine (which all currently feature on the homepage).
To get on board with the British Legion’s use, head to their page here.