Gamers put down their weapons and become guardian angels in Demon Souls for the ‘Save One Person’ PS5 event

By on Saturday, February 20, 2021

BBDO Berlin has teamed up with US-based organ donation organisation ‘Save One Person’ to encourage players to sign up as organ donors in a completely unexpected and novel way.

For those out of the loop, Demon Souls is the flagship game for the PS5 – known for its violent duels between online players, the dangerous world and the people you meet are not to be trusted. The victor of these bloody fights not only takes home the bragging rights but also the other player’s soul for good measure.

However, for this campaign, the game’s unwritten rulebook for bloodlust and brutality was thrown out the window. Instead of instantly attacking enemy players in a bid for their soul, several streamers did the exact opposite.

Within the Demon Souls world exists rare stones called Ephemeral Eyes, which when dropped will restore other player’s souls. In simple terms, enemies stopped killing each other and instead donated life in a virtual world to send an important message in the real one.

Everyone can donate life when they’re an organ donor, all they have to do is register online

“At Save One Person we love the idea of gamers stepping in as real-life heroes to be a living organ donor. All gamers have to do is download the SaveOnePerson App and find a life to save. That’s the true game of life.” Lauren Finkelstein/CEO Save One Person said of the campaign.

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