Burger King turns ‘Burger Lovers’ into ‘Big King Lovers’.

By on Thursday, July 2, 2015

There are people who love hamburgers and there are people who REALLY LOVE hamburgers to the extent of having this classic meal tattooed on their bodies.

Burger King went out to the world and found 5 such lovers in five different countries: the USA, Italy, Spain, Brazil and Taiwan. After sharing stories about their love for hamburgers, they were invited to come to Sao Paulo to taste the Big King.  Playing with its concept of the sandwich having two flame-grilled beef patties, the restaurant was able to convince 4 out of the 5 invited people after trying their Big King Burger to update their tattoos with ‘grill marks’ and ‘crowns’ from the restaurant’s brand. The tattoo change was conducted by famous tattoo artist Ami James.


The main concept was allowing people get an ‘unforgettable mark’ of experience provided by this burger.

Ariel Grunkraut, the brand’s CMO in Brazil says: “Dropping old habits, can oftently, bring pleasant surprises to our lives and that’s what we are trying to show. We found out that, nowadays people are more open to changes.”

The campaign can be summarized by the video below:

Involved Agency: David the Agency Sao Paulo

Source: Meio & Mensagem

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