Nella Rose and Nike on “How we do”

By on Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Nike team up with Nella Rose and Dina Asher-Smith to encourage people to take up more sports.

British Olympic sprinter, Dina Asher-Smith challenges Youtuber and presenter, Nella Rose and her friends to a take a boxing class to encourage them to see the benefits of taking up sports. The young Black women discussed how they didn’t have a passion for sports and were never encouraged to part take in sports, even when at school.  The girls head to Brixton and hop in the boxing ring to take part in a class with a professional boxing coach.  Later the girls conclude they really enjoyed the class as it unleashed an “unknown power” within them and how working together encouraged them to do better.

Dina Asher-Smith discusses how she developed her confidence by proving to herself that she could do it, even when faced by a challenge. Agency We Are Pi present the first episode for Nike’s “How we do”.

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