Baby statue cries out for change against breastfeeding laws

By on Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Non-profit Teta & Teta protests against the lack of laws protecting breastfeeding in public areas. A giant baby statue was placed in Madrid, claiming to cry all day, everyday until a new law is passed to protect babies and their mothers breastfeeding in public spaces.

Teta & Teta and Lola Millenlowe worked together to produce this campaign, with creative directors at Lol Millenlowe, Saray Gonzalez and Helen Marzo explaining, “A baby’s only weapon to get what it wants is its cry”.  The campaign video however also consists of mothers’ saddening stories of breastfeeding in public and the negative responses they received. Studies found one in two women in Spain have felt they had to hide when breastfeeding, with an additional 63.5% of women feeling judged for breastfeeding in public.


Cristina Job was the creator of the the 3D sculpture, designing the baby to continuously cry, in hopes of causing passer-byer to stop and take notice, raising awareness on the topic. This stunt has also been a successful online with videos of the stunt going viral. Sara Gonzalez and Helena Marzo, creative directors at Lola MullenLowe stated, “We understood the need to raise awareness about an issue that women suffer more directly but that affects us all as a society”.

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