‘You’re Cooked’ campaign warning of the dangers of cooking under the influence

By on Friday, December 2, 2022

New Zealand’s Fire & Emergency Service has launched their ‘You’re Cooked’ video-led campaign, to prevent Kiwis from cooking under the influence – after the shocking stat that 50% of fatal house fires involve alcohol or drugs.

With the tagline ‘Stay Off The Stove’, the ‘You’re Cooked’ campaign series is based upon a one-of-a-kind cookbook: all the recipes incorporated do not require the use of an oven or stove.

The videos feature real-life ‘cooked’ chefs making a recipe, without using heat. For example, one video featured ‘Jacked Fairy Bread’ – only needing tens and thousands, bread and butter.

Steph Rotarangi, Deputy Chief Executive of Fire & Emergency New Zealand, said: “It’s easy to get distracted if you’re drunk or high, and that’s why cooking on the stove so often leads to disaster.”

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