Minute Maid’s new billboards help you get your daily dose of Vitamin D

By on Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Minute Maid have revealed three new billboards to promote the Vitamin D content in their drinks, by helping passers-by get bask in the sunlight that they previously would’ve missed out on.

The three new billboards on display include:

The Open Billboard: Allows sunlight to shine directly through, removing a shadow that a the billboard will previously have cast.

The Reflective Billboard: Reflected sunlight down to street level, redirecting sunlight into the area buildings will have blocked.

The Extended ShelterA redesigned bus shelter, with a seat at the end which allows passengers to sit in the sunlight while waiting for the bus.

Desiree Ferrari, of The Coca Cola Company, said: “Today we’re happy to see the new global brand platform ‘Filled with Life’ executed through a campaign made of unconventional formats that really brings the source of life, the sun, and its benefits to people and in those places that need it the most.

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