Mitsubishi introduce nomad truck plans for WFH fanatics
By Joshua Djaba on Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Working from home has many benefits, but unfortunately, getting some fresh air often isn’t one of them. We’ve all had one of those WFH days where you finally glance out the window and somehow the sun is already down.
Mitsubishi’s plans for the ‘NOMADPro Canter Truck’ may just be the perfect antidote to this problem. Incredibly, the truck doubles up as a portable office for work and life on the road.
Based on Mitsubishi’s ‘2WD Canter Truck’, the truck has plenty of space in the back, but instead of transporting goods, it could one day transport you and a travel companion around as you answer emails and take meetings. Talk about remote working!
NOMADPro is conceptualized with bamboo decking, benches, a shared desk between you and your travel partner, and storage space. It might also feature a tiny kitchen, so you both can take breaks and pretend you’re still hanging around the water cooler, killing time.
One of the best parts of the truck is that the right wing can be fully lifted, melding the outside world with your space. With that, you can potentially turn whichever park, beach, or anywhere else you find yourself into a boardroom for all your meetings.
And my favourite feature of the whole truck: once you’re done with your work, the bench turns into a bed to rest your weary head on.
Before you get too excited, these are still conceptual plans being drawn up, so Mitsubishi has not released any details on its pricing or when the truck will be ready to hit the open road. However, I for one have my fingers crossed this becomes a reality sooner rather than later.