RNLI gives it some welly

By on Tuesday, May 14, 2019

An installation of 181 pairs of yellow wellies appeared alongside the River Thames this week.

The boots represent the average number of people rescued by the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) charity every single week across the UK & Ireland.

The activity marks the start of the RNLI’s 2019 Mayday fundraising campaign. All money raised will fund kit for RNLI lifeboat crews.

Gianna Saccomani, Crew Member and Deputy Lifeboat Press Officer at Teddington RNLI explains: ‘We really do rely on our kit to protect us from the extreme conditions we face on the river during rescues, so I hope seeing all the wellies together, and knowing they represent someone like them, inspires people to get involved with the RNLI’s Mayday campaign to help fund the wellies, lifejackets and helmets we need – after all no one knows when they might need our help.’

In 2016 to highlight the tragic deaths that take place on the UK coastlines every year, the RNLI set up an unusual pop-bar serving just bottled seawater.

Agency: Red Consultancy


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