Andy Serkis reprises Lord of the Rings role to parody Theresa May’s Brexit

By on Monday, December 10, 2018

The highly talented actor Andy Serkis has hit headlines all across the UK today by reprising his award winning Lord of the Rings role in a hilarious parody of Theresa May and her Brexit strategy.

Dressed in Mrs May’s trademark navy suit complete with a grey wig, the actor puts a spin on the famous scene in The Two Towers where the opposing personalities, meek Smeagol and twisted Gollum have an argument – which in in this reimagining, focuses on if May’s Brexit plan is the best way forward.

“We takes back control – money, borders, laws, blue passportses,” May as Gollum says; before May as Sméagol replies: “No, it hurts the people, makes them poorer.”

The original short film, uploaded to an account simply called “We wants it” has already racked up 600K views in just over 24 hours.

This afternoon, in a dramatic turn of events Theresa May has announced a U-turn in her plans and has cancelled the parliamentary vote on her Brexit strategy. Who knows, maybe Gollum hit a nerve…



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