WWF appeal to families ‘on the verge of extinction’ in this charity PR campaign
By Rich Leigh on Monday, August 24, 2015
This campaign is a couple of months old, but with some interesting results to draw on and a unique link found between the cause and audience, I thought it was worth highlighting.
According to the WWF, there are just 3,200 tigers left in the wild today, worldwide. The organisation’s message is ‘If we don’t act now, this family is about to become extinct. With devastating consequences for the wider ecosystem’.
With donations down in Belgium, the World Wide Fund for Nature decided to link the facts to something relatable (a key fact of any charity campaign in my experience – hammering people with upsetting imagery and facts is less likely to succeed versus making your audience relate to the subject through other means).
Proving to be the catalyst for this whole campaign, it was found that more than 30% of the Belgian population has a family name that is also ‘threatened with extinction’.
Using this, the WWF launched a national call to all those families to adopt a tiger into their family, under the banner “Families on the verge of extinction save a family on the verge of extinction.”
On reddetijger.be / sauvezletigre.be people could discover how extinct their family really is – at which point they were also invited to adopt a tiger.
According to the agency case study, a third of Belgians were reached on social media, claiming that after just 2 weeks, online donations to WWF Belgium stood at more than it normally receives in one year. The story trended on Facebook and Twitter within an hour, and was picked up by ‘almost every TV and radio station in Belgium’.
Involved agency: Famous Relations