‘The Stig’ delivers Jeremy Clarkson petition in a tank to the BBC

By on Friday, March 20, 2015

It’s not the first time an armoured vehicle has been driven through the streets of London, or even a tank for that matter.

But it is the first time that a tank has been driven through the centre of London to the BBC Broadcasting House with an individual impersonating ‘The Stig’ posing on top of the vehicle in an attempt to reinstate a controversial TV celebrity (say that three times fast).

An individual dressed as Top Gear’s tame racing driver caused scenes in London by delivering a petition with nearly one million signatures to reinstate suspended TV host Jeremy Clarkson on television show Top Gear.

The stunt organised by political blogger Guido Fawkes, demands that controversial host Jeremy Clarkson be reinstated after he was suspended for allegedly punching producer Oisin Tymon during a row. Although it has since emerged that the stunt was almost was called off, after the tank broke down just short of its intended destination.


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