The best summer job in the world?

By on Monday, April 29, 2013

The “best job in the world” stunt will seemingly never fail to make a splash.  This latest offering from First Choice was already done by the holiday provider in 2008, and the brilliant Tourism Australia campaign  has been running for years and has made the brand famous for all the right reasons.

It’s a tad tired but is undoubtedly a crowd-pleaser: the latest “dream role” on offer is testing out waterslides at some of the world’s most amazing holiday hotspots.

 Over 2000 applicants answered an advert that called for the ideal candidate to be ‘mad about water parks’, ’willing to travel’, ‘comfortable in swim-wear’ and ‘happy to get wet at work.’

Seb Smith, a 22-year-old Leeds Uni undergraduate, will be paid a salary of £20,000-a-year to ride and rate the slides across  destinations including Majorca, Turkey, Egypt and Jamaica. His tour of the twenty Splash World resorts includes all overseas travel expenses, and he’ll file his reports on Twitter and Facebook as part of the role.


Waterslide tester

Seb Smith tests a slide (Picture: SWNS)

Seb said: “I’m absolutely over the moon to be chosen as the new slide tester …I can’t believe I’ll be travelling the world judging slides based on the biggest splash and adrenaline factor.”

Luke Gaskins, of First Choice, said: ‘We’re thrilled to have Seb as our new slide tester and to welcome him as part of the First Choice team.

“We were impressed by his enthusiasm and skills at every stage of our search and at the final it was clear that we’d found the ideal person for the role of slide tester.

“Seb is going to be a key part of the team who will help us to give our Splash World customers the best all inclusive water park experience possible and we can’t wait for him to get sliding.”

The initial advert saw great coverage, and now the follow up has seen pick up in Metro, The Mirror,  Huffington Post and The Daily Telegraph.

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