Superdrug launches the first free high street pharmacy skin advice service

By on Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Superdrug will be rolling out a new skin advice and treatment service – the first of its kind for the UK. In store pharmacists will be trained to offer support, advice and treatment options for a range of skin conditions.

Superdrub models

The service will be available for walk-in skin consultations, self-care advice and treatments – including eczema and acne. The campaign includes 5 UK content creators who experience acne and eczema – coming together to shoot an unedited photoshoot to showcase their skin (and it’s stunning).

The scheme aims to make the level of advice people can obtain about their skin more accessible and therefore consultations are free of charge.


Backed by research showing that two thirds of people feel self-conscious about their skin, nearly half have lost confidence due to it, 41% feel embarrassed by it, and 24% have even stopped socialising due to feeling bad about it.

A campaign which showcases how we can seamlessly work with influencers to push the messaging of a purpose led campaign and touch the core audience of the brand.

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