B*tch I’m Madonna

By on Thursday, June 18, 2015

After huge fanfare, Madonna finally launched her new video yesterday for song, B*tch I’m Madonna, featuring a huge roll call of celebrities.

Except she decided to launch it on video streaming service Tidal (of which Madonna is one of many celebrity investors).  Which only members who pay can view.  And it then had a technical glitch toward the end of the video.

It’s been a while since an artist has released an ‘epic’ video to go with a song (I’m thinking back to the 90s).  So when they do, they’re talked about for a long time, and making sure they arrive with a big bang is par for the course.

New platforms for artists to launch music and creative outputs on are all well and good, but they have to be accessible to the public, otherwise they risk alienating people.  But given it’s Madonna, all will be forgiven.


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