Shining a Light on Isolation: Powerful World IBD Day Campaign Unveiled

By on Wednesday, May 22, 2024

To commemorate World IBD Day on Sunday, a pioneering charity has released a powerful short film highlighting the isolating effects of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). IBD charity The Catherine McEwan Foundation is working to address the isolation and social estrangement experienced by those with IBD with the raw and emotional film.

In addition to the film, the charity has launched a highly creative outdoor ad campaign using toilet paper tubes in an unconventional way to spread awareness. IBD affects one in 100 people in the UK alone.  Due to the nature of the disease, many affected individuals live with constant anxiety, often choosing to remain confined to the safety of their homes, which can lead to significant mental health challenges.

QR code made of loo roll

Complementing the short film, the campaign includes a unique out-of-home element in Glasgow: the world’s first giant QR code made from toilet paper tubes—100 of them, forming a massive ‘portal.’ When scanned, the QR code activates a film that candidly discusses how challenging life with IBD can be. This aspect of the campaign is particularly impactful as it metaphorically represents how those with IBD feel hidden and isolated from society, much like being behind a code.

A loo roll qr code

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