Greenpeace gatecrash Tory Party conference with disruptive stunt

By on Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Two Greenpeace protesters were chucked out of the Tory Party conference this morning, after heckling PM Liz Truss.

The eco-activists held aloft a small yellow banner with the words, “who voted for this?”.

“Let’s get them removed” Truss boomed. “Who voted for fracking” the activists bellowed. With the Tory conference audience shouting “Out” repeatedly. 

It wasn’t long before angry members of the audience yanked the banner from them. Not satisfied, the Greenpeace activists miraculously produced another, just before being carted off by security. 

And a bizarre moment ensued when an onlooker ripped off their lanyards amidst the kerfuffle.

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