Sky Arts has created a portrait of David Bowie out of guitar plectrums

By on Friday, August 12, 2022

David Bowie was recently named the UK’s most influential artist by Sky Arts as judges commended his influence across music, film and fashion.

To celebrate Bowie topping the list, Sky’s creative agency Taylor Herring commissioned Joe Black, a critically acclaimed mixed media artist from London, to create a unique artwork using just guitar plectrums.

The artwork, stands at 2m tall, has been made using 8,610 guitar plectrums.

A team of expert judges chaired by Lauren Laverne have created the list to recognise renowned artists across Visual Arts, Literary Arts, Performing Arts, Music, and Film & TV.

Other artists featured on the full list include Elton John, Sir Steve McQueen, Vivienne Westwood, Banksy, Russell T Davies, The Spice Girls, and Harold Pinter.

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