Palace and Stella Artois Are Back With Another Collab

By on Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Back for their second collaboration, Stella Artois and Palace have teamed up to create some co-branded apparel alongside collectible tools and accessories.

Using a warm and contrasting colours, this collection takes inspirations from Stella Artois original branding palette, but instead using the Palace logo.

The clothing has a sporty-varsity style to it with the both brands heavily influencing the style of each piece.

In addition, to the clothing drop, the brands will also have ‘interactive pubs’ which will showcase the collection. This transformed pub will be London’s The Blue Posts on Berwick Street and will be down the street from the Palace store.

And finally, the collaboration will also include limited-edition Palace Artois cans which will be available in Bristol, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester, and Sheffield.

The collection will drop at 11 a.m. BST on August 27.


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