Twitter says good riddance to 2020 with witty billboard campaign

By on Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Twitter is waving off 2020 by displaying popular, funny tweets about 2020 on billboards and OOH sites across five U.S cities

@Twitter shared pictures of some of the installations that were displayed as part of the campaign.

‘I’m not entering 2021 unless I see a trailer’

American singer Dionne Warwick had her tweet displayed on a billboard in New York City’s Bryant Park.

‘Before I agree to 2021 I need to agree to some terms and conditions’

‘2020…girl… what happened’

‘if 2020 was a person it would be my ex’

‘I’m leaving 2020 the worst review’

‘Dear 2021. Please don’t tell 2020 to hold her your beer. Please.’

‘2020 needs to pull over and just let me out…I’ll walk’

‘it goes from 2019 then 2021 – we don’t know this year’


Robin Tilotta, director of marketing at Twitter, told Muse, β€œIn light of everything that’s happened this year, we are excited to amplify the humor and levity that people brought to Twitter. These are the tweets that connected and uplifted us, and we hope people join us in celebrating the end of 2020,”


see more creative work from Twitter here

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