Netflix call in Hans Zimmer to extend their ‘Ta-dum’ sound logo for cinema

By on Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Netflix “ta-dum” sound, that plays before one of their original movies, is universally familiar.


Of late the brand has been releasing original films in cinemas – and they found the ‘ta-dum’ audio logo felt too rushed for a cinematic setting – so the streaming service teamed up with composer Hans Zimmer to create an extended version.

In the theatrical version Zimmer  builds up a soaring, symphonic theme before dropping the iconic ‘ta-dum’ softly, right at the end.


According to Classic FM ‘When hiring someone to extend their sound logo, Netflix wanted a cinematic composer who would not only immediately “get” what they were trying to achieve – but also retain that iconic ‘ta-dum’ in the most recognisable way possible.

And after working so successfully with Zimmer on the music for Netflix original series The Crown the German film giant was their first choice.”

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