Why The Times have transformed Westminster Station into a jungle

By on Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Times and Sunday Times have transformed London’s Westminster Station into a jungle, to highlighting the turmoil in UK politics and the newspapers’ mission to guide readers through it.

Commuters alighting at the station today found themselves in a, vine-covered jungle,

Adapted tannoy announcements are part of the package ‘Mind the gap and always stand behind the yellow line. Toe the party line in the political jungle’.

Lynne Fraser, head of brand and campaigns at The Times and The Sunday Times said: “This activity has taken our political animals out of the zoo and into the jungle: something that we feel represents the shift in the political landscape since we launched the campaign six months ago.

“Reflecting the mood of the nation in a refreshing way we want to reach out to audiences and reassure them that The Times and The Sunday Times are here to guide them through”.


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