Entrepreneur saves £9000 with DIY cardboard poster campaign

By on Tuesday, September 3, 2019

New dating app Honeypot has driven a decent amount of app downloads this week with some seriously DIY marketing.

Yesterday a man was spotted in the City sporting this shaming poster; ‘I George Rawlings cheated on my girlfriend and this is my punishment. Do not download Honeypot’

This bizarre scene near Bank station, was captured by Hayden Brennan on Twitter.

The billboard man is George Rawlings is the co-founder and CEO of Honeypot a new dating app.

On LinkedIn he later revealed ‘This AD cost £2.65. With the downloads we generated from this piece of cardboard and standing there for 8 hours straight, we worked out it would have cost us around £9,524 in paid digital.’

He fessed up to followers via Instagram that “What you read was’t true, it never happened. I needed to get your attention and catch your attention.”


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1) Project Apology: ✅ Completed it. 2) Please don’t download Honeypot. ?? … Peace out✌️x @honeypot.dating

A post shared by George Rawlings (@george.rawlings) on

Mission accomplished.

h/t: The FT

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