Now you can buy Chernobyl Vodka – and it’s radioactive-free

By on Thursday, August 8, 2019

Scientists studying the land around the abandoned Chernobyl nuclear plant in Ukraine have created a radioactive free vodka and plan to use profits to support the region.

It’s the first consumable product to be created with ingredients grown inside the exclusion zone since the nuclear disaster.

The grain spirit product, branded Atomik, by the Chernobyl Spirit Company is 40% abv.

“We just don’t abandon the land,” Ukrainian hydrometeorologist Gennady Laptev told the BBC. “We can use this land in different and diverse ways and we can produce something which will be totally clean from the radioactivity.”

source: BBC

University of Portsmouth professor Jim Smith said; “This is no more radioactive than any other vodka. We’ve checked it. We’ve had two of the best laboratories in the world look at it and see if they can find any radioactivity from Chernobyl, and they haven’t found it,” he said.

Profit from the vodka will go back into the economic development of regions affected by the disaster.

The team hope to sell the product to the increasing number of tourists who now visit the exclusion zone.

Chernobyl has seen a sharp rise in visitors since an HBO mini-series about the tragedy aired earlier this year and the Uk

Ukraine’s president announced plans to turn the area into a tourist attraction.

Source: BBC News


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