‘Stranger Things’ and Lego launch Upside Down Lego set

By on Thursday, May 16, 2019

Netflix and Lego have partnered up to create The Upside Down Lego set – a recreation of the two worlds from the series.

The set includes characters such as Eleven, Mike Lucas, Dustin, Will, Joyce, Jim Hopper and a Demogorgon. The creation not only includes some very specific details from the series (like the alphabet wall and Eleven’s ego) but can also be completely flipped once it is assembled.

Fans lined up outside the Lego store in Leicester Square for more than 12 hours to get the first glimpse of the 2,287 piece Byer’s house replica early Tuesday morning.

The Upside Down set is priced at £179. The product is available for LEGO VIP customers from May 15th and will be available at all LEGO stores globally from 1st June.


Season three of ‘Stranger Things’ will be launching July 4th on Netflix.


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