Tiny Donald Trump statues in NYC invite dogs To ‘Pee On Me’
By James Herring on Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Artist Phil Gable has put up five busts of Donald Trump around New York inviting dogs to relieve themselves on a bust of the President.
In an interview with Gothamist, Gable explained; “It was largely just a personal expression of my own disdain for Donald Trump, both as a President and a human being…I find it cathartic anytime I can express disdain through comedy, especially if it’s related to politics. And this case, it’s both funny and useful, which makes me happy.”
Vice magazine have critiqued the work as an ‘insurrectionary, urinary masterpiece.’
Tiny Donald Trump Statues Inviting Dogs To ‘Pee On Me’ Pop Up Across New York pic.twitter.com/R6PGLp7J2f
— Rosemarie (@SondraDee77) October 11, 2018
‘I went with the younger-looking Trump because I think that’s probably how he sees himself, especially when he’s paying Russian escorts for golden showers,’ said Gable, referring to unverified allegations.
The stunt promotes Gable’s branded content studio Porcupine Armadillo.