Tostitos create new Super Bowl crisp bag that can call you an Uber
By Cal Gable on Thursday, January 26, 2017
Tostitos, an American crisps brand, has designed a breathaliser-esque “chip” bag just in time for the superbowl and it’s aim is to take 25,000 drink drivers off of the road next Sunday.
The bag works by using a sensor which can pick up tiny particles of alcohol on peoples breath. If any traces are found the logo on the front of the bag goes red and changes into a steering wheel with the caption “DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE” and an Uber code. Between 2009 and 2013, a total of 294 injury and death accidents occurred on Super Bowl Sundays in California, and in San Diego they see an increase of 117% of alcohol related traffic incidents during the Sunday night.
The Uber code provided takes $10 off of people’s bills and with the near touch technology which the bag uses, all people need to do to call a ride is tap it with their phone.
I like the campaign because it’s an excellent initiative which using current technology focuses on something which everybody can get behind. Everybody will be eating snacks wherever they’re watching the game, so Tostitos has managed to align it’s brand with the Super Bowl using a clear link, whilst also backing a newsworthy cause.