Want to grab a Nappuccino?
By Becca Bateson on Friday, March 11, 2016
To celebrate the launch of Greggs’ newest coffee range, and in aid of scientific research, the food retailer has set up giant nap pods in London.
The pods are the perfect place for nap related experiments following research by the University of Pennsylvania, which found that napping for 20 minutes straight after drinking coffee increases productivity.
Scientists discovered that a 20 minute power nap will maximise alertness with the help of a coffee and Greggs has come up with the comfiest way to test the hypothesis.
Members of the public were treated to Greggs’ newest caffeinated drink and then were able to power nap in the coffee cup pods, complete with a bed, blankets, cushions, mood lighting and relaxing music.
Malcolm Copland, commercial director at Greggs, said: “A freshly ground cup of coffee helps many of us feel more awake so we wanted to test the science behind the coffee power nap to help the British public feel more alert and be more productive.
“Perhaps it’s only a matter of time before we see Nappuccino sleeping pods popping up across the rest of the UK.”
Source: PR Week.