Moviegoers pranked by ‘zombie kiss cam’ in theme park stunt

By on Friday, April 17, 2015

To promote its new House of Nightmares attraction, Swedish theme park Gröna Lund (also behind this ‘haunted’ billboard I wrote about last year) targeted moviegoers in this ‘zombie kiss cam’ stunt in Stockholm’s Sergel cinema.

You’ve seen it before, though more likely in a sporting arena – a roving camera singles out couples, and then an audience of people watch as said couple awkwardly kiss as a result of peer pressure. It’s like a grown-up version of what went on behind the bike sheds at school. Only, this time… there’s an unexpected undead twist.

Have a gander:

For completeness, the attraction opens on the 25th April.

(My favourite bit is the look on the bloke’s face before the bite – ‘Pah. I GOT THIS’).

zombie kiss cam


Source: Guerilla Marketing Zone

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