‘Ball pit for grown-ups’ opens in charitable agency PR effort

By on Thursday, January 29, 2015

In a charity-led stunt to promote itself, design agency Pearlfisher has opened a ball pit for adults in Hammersmith, west London. (When I say ‘has opened’, it’s actually been open since before Christmas, but I’ve only now just spotted it in the press).

pearlfishers balls


Aside from Houston PR’s space launch efforts last year, I haven’t seen much in the way of creative agencies PRing themselves for a while, but it’s nice to see an agency having a bit of fun to do so.

The pit, named Jump In, contains more than 80,000 white balls (pearls – geddit?) and is free to visit. It is located in the company’s gallery and, according to this piece on the Evening Standard, ‘can hold up to 30 big kids at a time’.

Pearlfisher will donate £1 to charity Right to Play for everyone who visits Jump In, which is open Monday to Friday 10am-5pm and will be open until February 13.

Booking info and more can be found at the company’s site.

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