‘Ball pit for grown-ups’ opens in charitable agency PR effort
By Rich Leigh on Thursday, January 29, 2015
In a charity-led stunt to promote itself, design agency Pearlfisher has opened a ball pit for adults in Hammersmith, west London. (When I say ‘has opened’, it’s actually been open since before Christmas, but I’ve only now just spotted it in the press).
Aside from Houston PR’s space launch efforts last year, I haven’t seen much in the way of creative agencies PRing themselves for a while, but it’s nice to see an agency having a bit of fun to do so.
The pit, named Jump In, contains more than 80,000 white balls (pearls – geddit?) and is free to visit. It is located in the company’s gallery and, according to this piece on the Evening Standard, ‘can hold up to 30 big kids at a time’.
Pearlfisher will donate £1 to charity Right to Play for everyone who visits Jump In, which is open Monday to Friday 10am-5pm and will be open until February 13.
Booking info and more can be found at the company’s site.