Uber cute kittens

By on Friday, October 31, 2014

Uber taxis celebrated National Cat Day by delivering kittens to customers in seven cities across America.

Customers paid $30 to snuggle with the adoptable felines at their homes and offices for 15 minutes, with the profits going to charity.

To order the kittens, Uber users loaded up their Uber app, and if kitten   s were available, they could select the “KITTENS” option and little cat faces replaced the taxis on the map.nyc_kittens_screenshot_cut

Uber teamed up with animal shelters on the initiative to work with customers who wanted more than just their 15 minutes and hoped to adopt the kittens.index

Photos of the snuggle sessions went viral after showing up on social media posts using the hashtag #uberkittens.

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