Paddy Power cage up ‘traitor’ who backed Italy and hang him from billboard

By on Monday, June 16, 2014

Paddy Power has locked up a fan who bet on Italy beating England on Saturday’s match and suspended him next to a billboard, until further notice.

The betting firm locked ‘Traitor Tony’ in a medieval-looking cage hung next to a billboard that states: “Traitor Tony. Backed Italy with Paddy Power. And made a killing.”

Paddy Power billboard

Paddy Power is also incentivising Twitter users to take a selfie with Tony using the hastag #Brazilnuts for the chance to win cash.


Paddy Power

This experiential and amusing stunt follows their highly controversial/highly successful (depending on your viewpoint) rainforest stunt, and is further confirmation that Paddy Power looks set to own one of the biggest (and most lucrative) sporting events this year.

Involved agency: M2M


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