Funny Muppets trailer highlights Twitter spat
By Rich Leigh on Monday, January 13, 2014
To promote the Muppets Most Wanted (out March 21st), the trailer below was made and has, based on chatter, aired on TV in the US. Rather than focus on the film, it humorously highlights alleged outrage fans posted online when the film ‘wasn’t nominated for over 247 awards’:
It ticks all the Internet LOLZ boxes, mockingly featuring apparent real life Twitter users @HotFudge1218 and @Babybean1128 and their questionably spelled spat.
Having had a quick look, as a lot of other people appear to have based on the replies to each account, the users (including @RichPlaya33, also mentioned in the trailer) all first tweeted on the 8th of January. @HotFudge1218 and @Babybean1128 also appear to have been each other’s first follower, so in all probability, they aren’t real users and were created solely so there was something tangible to reference in what might be an attempt to take the proverbial out of the advertising industry’s habit of taking and using online comments to fit an agenda.
That said, PR fans, let’s not let facts get in the way of a good story (AS IF WE EVER WOULD, EH?).
Thanks to real life person James Jackson for tweeting with this.