Empire Casino gave a guy £1,000 to bet. But all decisions were made by the public on Twitter.

By on Friday, August 9, 2013

The Casino at The Empire in Liecester Square used Twitter yesterday to create the World’s first #SocialCasino experiment.

They chose one lucky guy, and gave him £1,000 to bet. However there was one slight catch – every one of his decisions were to be made by the public via Twitter.

Everyone was updated through Empire Casino’s twitter account, and by using the hashtag #SocialCasino they were able to help by suggesting the next move.

After playing Roulette, Blackjack (personal fave) and Three Card Poker he walked away with £930.

Looks like a pretty hard stunt to pull off, but it went very well gaining over 1 million impressions and reaching 107,000 people since yesterday (and still counting!).


Agency behind it was Battenhall.

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