O2 Unveils ‘Thumbells’

By on Wednesday, July 31, 2013

In a bid to get fit for digital dexterity and also to raise publicity for its 4G launch, phone provider O2 has launched ‘Thumbells’ (dumbbells for fingers. Get it?)



This brilliant little stunt is aimed at cutting down injuries related to smart phone use and improving dexterity in your fingertips.


David Johnson from O2 said: “We know our customers are using their thumbs more than ever. Data use is experiencing exponential growth and with 4G just around the corner, we want to make sure our customers are ready to make the most of what 4G will offer them.”

This PR campaign has been accompanied by a teaser which showcases an eager thumb lifting weights, running up stairs, and punching chicken nuggets before stepping into the ring.



Source: Techradar

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