Looking for a new job? Why don’t you apply to be the Pope.
By Inderdeep Gill on Monday, March 11, 2013
Yes, this is a fake job listing (I hope!). BUT… it did make me think how it’s a great way for LinkedIn to show how advertising for jobs using their website can bring in the best, targeted and experienced people, in an easier way compared to other websites which are clogged with mass amounts of job adverts.
Make sure to take note of the job requirements: infallibility, celibacy and strong problem solving skills are a must, and you’ll have to work Sundays.
It’s also quite the commitment, being the leader of the Catholic Church. You’ll really be putting your career over your personal life. But the listing does make it clear that you’ll receive dental coverage and eternity in heaven — seems like a pretty robust and reasonable benefits package.
Oh yeah and remember… make your application stand out, be creative and bold!