Giant Star Trek logo lights up London skyline in partnership with Earth Hour
By Rich Leigh on Monday, March 25, 2013
To promote the upcoming “Star Trek Into Darkness” movie (release day May 9th in the UK), Paramount Pictures displayed a glowing Star Trek logo made using 30 LED-bearing ‘quadrocopters’, over London.
The stunt was unveiled during Earth Hour 2013 (Saturday 23rd March), in partnership with the WWF awareness campaign in which famous landmarks around the world switch their lights off in the hour between 8.30pm and 9.30pm, local time. The Star Trek logo was visible at 8.25pm before Earth Hour began and again at 9.30pm to celebrate the end of Earth Hour, ensuring lights weren’t up during lights down.
From the press release:
In keeping with Earth Hour’s initiative, the quadrocopters used batteries charged in Austria using green energy from the Austrian renewable energy grid specifically for this event
Kellie Rollings from WWF said “WWF is delighted that Paramount is supporting this year’s Earth Hour event. Millions of people around the world take part in Earth Hour year on year and we’re always looking for innovative ways to get our message out there. It’s fantastic that Paramount has chosen to mark the hour by dimming their lights at this unusual light display.”
The logo was approximately 308 feet tall, hovering 118 feet above the ground and, as the video shows, visible in the sky near Tower Bridge.
Ars Electronica Futurelab and Ascending Technologies were behind the technological side of the stunt.
Involved teams:
Paramount Pictures UK in-house marketing team
Way to Blue – helping with online PR
Source: Mashable, tweeted by Rachel Miller