Lucky Voice gets lucky with Gangnam Style
By Joanna Dring on Thursday, January 3, 2013
Lucky Voice pulled a blinder on New Year’s Day.
Whilst the majority of the nation were recovering from the festivities of the previous evening, Lucky Voice managed to get blanket coverage on a story which can’t have taken them long to generate.
‘Auld Lang Syne ditched for Gangnam Style as Psy tops New Year’s Eve karaoke chart’ exclaimed the Independent. BBC Breakfast carried the story, along with most of the nationals. It even got a mention on Simon Mayo’s Drivetime show.
With New Year’s Day generally being a slow news day, this was a fantastic proactive, topical and fun story which captured the minds of journalists.
And the one thing that really clinched it for me as being a piece of genius, was that I remember the key message! So often this sort of PR has a passing brand name mention. However this raised awareness of Lucky Voice’s online service – something I didn’t know existed, and something that I’ll definitely be using now.
I wonder, however, if the guys at Lucky Voice were prepared for just how far and wide the story would go. For example, their Facebook page gave no indication they were gearing up for this story. There were no questions to their community earlier in the day to ask what songs they’d be singing as the clock struck midnight. This would have generated engagement and some anticipation in advance of the story being released with the official figures.
‘Out with the Auld and in with the new’ (there’s a sub-editor in me screaming to be let out…)
What I like about this story is that it gives a snapshot of the mood of the nation. Gangnam Style has been phenomenally successful and has barely been out of the news for the past few weeks. Lucky Voice was able to ride the wave and deliver a story of huge benefit to them.
This idea has really got legs. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see similar stories at key times throughout the year – will ‘I Will Survive’ be the most downloaded song on Valentine’s Day?
As the story can be created (I presume!) by analysing the download data at Lucky Voice HQ – I imagine it would be pretty easy to regionalise as well. What was the favourite song for Manchester/London/Liverpool/Cornwall? Perhaps the data can also be cut by age or gender groups.
There’s a lot of potential for this story which really doesn’t work without referencing Lucky Voice’s online service.