Dankso Walks The Wrong Road
By Alex Judd on Tuesday, December 18, 2012
America is still in mourning following the tragic shooting in Newtown – and PR rule number one when such an event happens? Shut down.
Although it appears Dankso (a U.S. footwear company) didn’t read the rulebook. Here’s what they posted earlier on their facebook:
Now, grieving is a very difficult process and routine can help – but it stinks to angle this towards a product you sell. A line has most certainly been crossed.
It’s since been pulled from their page as of this evening, after a flurry of disgusted comments removed the blinkers from their relentless marketing. They’ve now replaced it with this instead:
Yep, they still can’t spell “Newtown” right. So that’s social media strike two – and much like baseball – they’ve got just one more until they’re out.