Wellington renamed ‘Middle of Middle Earth’ for Hobbit premiere
By Niki Goddard on Tuesday, October 9, 2012
In a show of real commitment to the JRR Tolkien films famously shot in New Zealand, capital city Wellington is to change its name to ‘The Middle of Middle Earth’ for the premiere of new film ‘The Hobbit; An Unexpected Journey’ in November.
Postcards, stamps and even the local newspaper are also expected to change in an homage to the new Peter Jackson film, the fourth to be filmed and premiered in New Zealand, which has become synonymous with the beautiful scenery and breathtaking landscapes in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Picture courtesy of bbc online
In case changing the city’s name wasn’t enough a 500 yard red carpet will be draped across the city centre for the upcoming launch.
This stunt really consolidates the good the films have done for the small country’s tourism, and will almost certainly attract a great deal of attention. It reflects great thinking from a local authority, which has had the good foresight to see that spending the money on this will ultimately result in a benefit to the local economy.
In case you’re wondering, it’s actually not that easy to change the name of a country’s capital city and The Middle of Middle Earth will only be called as such for three weeks. Better book your tickets now!